It’s been almost two years since I moved from
Needless to say, getting lost in
The distraction of trying to become comfortable with a new job and a new place to live unfortunately doesn’t contribute to getting much writing done. But I’ve become comfortable in my new apartment, and have a screen to my sliding glass door that lets in a good supply of fresh air. I hung a three foot long wind chime just above my patio door that creates the perfect background noise for reading a book, or for sitting down to write.
While lost in distraction these past few years, I’ve spent more time watching TV than I normally would. Becomes a habit that’s hard to break sometimes. But I can only take so much mindless absorption before I’m completely bored. A couple of weeks ago I decided to turn off the television and become reacquainted with my thoughts.
First thing I thought I’d do was dust off my blogsite and bring it up to date. That’s when I learned Blogger made a switch in its formatting, and as such, I couldn’t log into my site. Tried everything I could think of and spent hours trying out different suggestions I found by researching the internet. Even sent Blogger a couple of nasty emails to which I have yet to receive a response. Finally I gave up and recreated my blog by switching to a new URL.
Unburned Pieces of the Mind still shows up under http://dog1net.blogspot.com/. However, I can’t post to it anymore. So I copied the source code and recreated my blog that now uses the following URL: http://www.slcunningham.com. The next hurdle to overcome is with getting everyone linked to my old site to hitch up to my new site. Why Blogger had to make something relatively simple and easy to use so extremely difficult and frustrating is beyond me.
Anyway, getting late. We had a good line storm that came through this morning with lots of rain, lightening and thunder. It’s a little on the cool side tonight but the sky is a dark cobalt blue . Think I’ll grab a Linda Ronstadt cd and take a drive through downtown. On a night like this, all the buildings will be perfectly lit up against the sky. After driving down
By S. L. Cunningham
Oh my God!
You're back!
I'm delighted to see you! Here I am spending most of my time in . . . a whole new place, yet every month or so, I'd go looking for signs of you.
Check this out SOBCon08 Wish you were going to be here for that.
I'm so delighted to see you!!
SOBCon08 sounds really cool. I wish I could attend, but if there's a next time around, I'll definitely plan on it.
Took awhile to get back to where I am with my blog. What a nightmare blogger made for me with the switchover. My old url still exists but I can't access it. But I think my new url suits me just fine, and once I find everybody again, I think I'll be up and running like before.
So good of you to stop by.
So very cool.
I'm smiling.
So good to see you, Scot - I thought you had disappeared forever into the wilds of Texas.
Two years already - time goes by so quickly. And now I really must try to update Gone Away more often; it has suffered while I have been drawn into other things...
And I see Blogger insists that I post as Wyrfu. Ah well, you know where I live. ;)
Wyrfu had me guessing for a second, but I guess I'm not the only one who's experienced problems with Blogger's changeover to Beta. Good to see you check in Clive.
"What a nightmare blogger made for me with the switchover. My old url still exists but I can't access it."
That's one of the reasons why I switched to WordPress on my own domain. It's great to have you back, Scot. I can't believe it's been two years!
Scott - so nice to have you back. can't believe it's been 2 years!!
Deborah, rdl:
Thanks for stopping by. Good to be in your company again. Amazing how two years can go by. All the more reason to use the time you have as productively as you can.
How nice to have you back! You were on the z'sleeping" part of my blogroll for most of those two years....
I had no idea of the size of Houston, so I'm finding that fascinating, and I love the idea of your being inspired by a windchime. When I had my last significant birthday, my mother gave me a set of cathedral chimes that reach almost floor to ceiling and react amazingly to my cat's tail, and my granddaughters' dancing. So I can relate.
Guess that's quite a snooze. Anyway, good to have come by. A windchime can have an amazing calming effect, that is, when there's a light breeze.
Welcome back!
Hey Scot, thanks for looking me up too. Glad you're back!
Mojo, Alan:
Good to see you both check in. It's been quite a hiatus for me, but I'm getting back into a more comfortable routine of writing and expect to be posting and making the rounds more often.
I am a little late to the party, but let me welcome you back none the less heartily.
Glad you stopped by the old blog and it's good to see you writing again. Turning off the TV is always a good thing. ;)
I am bookmarking the new URL and will get it added to my old site, and perhaps one or two of my new ones.
Welcome back, Scott.
Thanks, good to see you come by. I've always liked your old blog, and I will be curious to see what your new blogs are about.
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